Sunday, September 30, 2012

old draft i found. hahs. I got into a hissy fit today, over something so trivial. Not that it was worth it. I just felt like it, it came as a good opportunity to let it all out.

Maybe it was the lack of food in my system.

I had an awful dream last night. A nice combi of my fear of heights and some other thing I did'nt like. And yes i threw a hissy fit in my dreams. I guess i just needed to get it out of my system.

At times i just wanna be alone in my bubble. But it's lonely in the bubble. It's such a mash of emotions and i just wanna scream at myself for wasting precious time.

So i watched some southpark to distract myself. still not good enough. wasted more time.

Maybe i'm being punished. sorry i really dunno why.

Is it time to move on already. It all seems so pointless. Tomorrow is the start of another week of stupidity.

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