Tuesday, June 20, 2023

check-in 2023

 Check-in after a-year-and-half. It's been great! 

This is what it means to be in alignment with what you spend most of your time on. Still trying to balance the healthy lifestyle portion with hold habits creeping up. For example, not drinking enough water, not moving around enough, not prioritizing myself. It is no wonder that that my health hasn't been all that great. But i can do it. I believe i can do it with baby steps. 

Just like how the learning curve was steep but i think i am still slowly getting there. Trying to focus on learning rather than being afraid of failing. Constant struggle of feeling inadequate but i gotta keep reminding myself of what i have done and what i can potentially do. I am glad that my new role has forced me to be more structured in my thinking, allowed me to practice being cogent. I love it.

Just came back from a quick BKK trip, friday night to Monday morning. It was a rush taking the plane alone, haven't done that for while. I thought i would be hanging out alone too. But i am too loved. Had pple accompany me all the way. Went for an atas massage, lunch, nice dinner, 7-11 supper. Zoo and zoo cafe. It was awesome... This coming week is me adjusting back to life and trying be healthy as per doctor's advice.

I'm happy, content, trying to manage the art of being chill. I guess just being in the moment and not fearing. Carry on girl. you can do it.

What did i do today. My favourite thing of course, packing my day into many many activities. Doctor appt, last appt, dental appt, dyed my hair, meal prepped. All in a day's work.