Sunday, September 19, 2010

I'm quarter of a century old plus one day today. To recap on what a wonderful life i have I shall just throw random moments that make me feel blessed.

I've got my first pet recently, her name's bing pi cause she's white as snow (if you've seen snow it's not that white, so you will get the drift). She's cute... I always thot hamsters were smelly. Honestly, they are and cleaning the cage is such a hassle. But I'll do it anyway because she's my baby. Actually i want one to prep myself for a cat. The irony :)

Here's a photo of her:-

I wanted a MacD birthday party. But that didn't materialise. I wanted to go overseas, but that didn't materialise either. I wanted so many things that didn't materialise but it seems silly to want more despite having so many. sigh.

I went kite flying today with my family...I like spontaneous trips.
I'll spend some time doing what i wanna do tmr. I'll have to decide.
