Saturday, September 13, 2003

This week has been relatively slow. I'm not complaining. Seems like if u stay out long ur day lasts longer. hmm... I actuallie enjoyed this week.
I met an old friend. I met a new friend. I "found" a close fren. Perhaps i'll lose one, or rather i've already lost one, conservation of energy theory? U gain some, u lose some. It hurts but u can't reallie do much. I'll take things as they r.
How well will u know someone in the shortspan of 4 days? It's funnie how some pple click and some pple don't. Reminds me of a multipurpose zao ju, 3 ci huis rolled into one, which my sec4 chi tcher used to tell us and the whole class could memorise by hard. ta men shui ran ping shui xiang feng, dan yi jian ru gu, tan de shi fen tou qi.


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