Tuesday, May 20, 2003

Soporiferous Day
Why is is so warm~ I'm tired. My eyes are gonna shut soon but i dun wanna sleep yet. cos when i open my eyes it'll b morning and it's another day of school again. I just wanna lie in bed... sleepy sleepy sleepy. I was counting down today. chem, physics, math, lect, civics, gp, talk, 6.30pm. The talk was by Prof Nathan on US and Iraq. It was kinda interesting. I was impressed by the speaker's vast vocab and the way his sentences just flow. I also found out during the Q&A session tt alot of aj students sound like articles out of Newsweek and Times. Not that it's bad, their knowledge and vocab was eye-opening, it's just tt the usage of words seem superfluous and unnatural.
I watched 'Lightyrs'. wooo...after missing so many episodes of it. I was trying hard to find any obvious indication that the characters filmed on ajc premises (an "AJ Ideas" poster or house boards perhaps). Ok, so i was bored. =Þ
I can't take it anymore. *yawn*


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