Sunday, April 13, 2003

Decided to include this..
Today i was watching "zhen qing" abt Shuang Shuang and xianghai. Shuang shuang likes Xianghai but Xianghai likes Caiyao, who's gone to who-knows-where leaving her daughter in his care. Shuang Shuang know's that Xianghai only has Caiyao in his heart and is determined to wait for her return. She wishes them well and hopes that Caiyao comes back soon so that they will be happy together but she's still willing to go through alot to make him happy. Typical of serials rite? Anyway, all Xianghai's left of Caiyao is a cassette of Caiyao singing and her daughter accidently erased part of the tape. Xianghai thinking it was Shuang Shuang who did it. He flared up and shouted at her. She ran off crying. Run yi went to comfort her. And Shuang Shuang said this to her "wo xian zai cai ming bai ai yi ke ren shi na me tong ku de" or something to that extent. And i cried. sheeeesh. Luckily my family wasn't at home. It wasn't like anybody died or something, those words just struck a chord i guess. Yahla... agl is a sentimental fool, but there is truth to what she said don't you think so?


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