Thursday, February 27, 2003

Hey, I'm still alive! know y? cos the speech thing is next week argh. Great i have more time too think. This morning, Mr Wee approached me about it and gave me alot of pointers on how to do it. i'm still clueless, but i've got abit of ideas as to how it might make it interesting. He even offered to go through it with me. I'm real grateful, yet now i feel kinda pressurized by it. Cos now i'd have to make it 'presentable' I can't possibly graft a script on toilet paper and pass it to him. It also has to have abit of so called standard. Y? cos he's my GP tcher that's y! Now i have a earlier deadline to complete it cos he asked me when i'm gonna finish it and i said by this week. I'm such an idiot. Grr...
i'm really exhausted from today's relay runs, 8x50m, 4x400m, 4x100m. i just felt like puking after the 4x400m run... The girls didn't come in tops in any event, but at least we had the spirit!! yeah~ Unlike the guys.... i shall not elaborate heh. Anyway, the guys were pretty fast runners and the girls were not bad too. Impressive i must say.
Lunch period now, gonna have chinese later.. We're gonna watch a movie! I hope it's interesting. Someone commented yesterday: "huh? must be some China movie again." Aiya. it's always movies from China mah... that's where we learn the correct pronunciation and usage rite? heh. Worse comes to worse.. sleep lor. I don't feel like going home, cos i'd sleep, did i mention i slept at 8pm till this morning. Waste of my time. I don't feel like going to tutorials cos i want to sleep. I don't want to do my tutorials cos they make me want to sleep. Everything revolves the word sleep. Zzzz... I haven't been sleeping well, been sleeping long but not well. I want good dreams!!! gotta scram.. tata~


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